2 Machinery Road, Yandina, QLD 4561

2 Machinery Road, Yandina, QLD 4561
$31,200 + GST + Outgoind=gs

  • 2 Machinery Road, Yandina
  • 2 Machinery Road, Yandina
  • 2 Machinery Road, Yandina
  • 2 Machinery Road, Yandina
  • 2 Machinery Road, Yandina
  • 6Garages
Stand Alone Property with land.

Excellent Location

Available July 2014

Prime Street Exposure

The building is 312 sqm and is comprised of office and warehouse area.There is an additional 2000 sqm of vacant land surrounding the
building that can be utilized for storage of heavy vehicles etc.

The site is situated on a very prominent corner location opposite the Yandina Ginger Factory with excellent street exposure and access. The site is designed for drive-thru access with dual street access.

Amber Hackworthy
Amber Hackworthy

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