Sunshine Coast Population forecast to grow to 385,000+ by 2026
The population of the Sunshine Coast is forecast to grow to over 385,000 people by 2026.
It is anticipated that we will require a total of over 168,000 dwellings.
The population, dwelling statistics and demographics of the Sunshine Coast between 2016 and 2026, is forecast below:
• there will be an increase of approximately 83,300 persons, or over 8,300 people per year
• the majority of population growth will be provided through net migration (97% of all population growth)
• the largest of population increases will be those aged 35-39 years and those0-4 years and 5-9 years (i.e. younger and more established families)
• there will be an increase of approximately 36,700 dwellings and 32,700 households (or over 3,670 dwellings and 3,270 households per year)
Total population
Population Growth
Components of growth
Natural increase (births minus deaths)Migration
Migration origins (Origin of people who migrated to the Sunshine Coast post 2006)
Population growth contribution
Age group changes
2016-2026 comparison
10 year forecast
Total dwellings and households
Dwelling growth (5 year change)
Household growth (5 year change)Download a copy of the Population Growth Infographic[4367KB].
If you would like any further information regarding demographics, please contact council via email.