Highlights of the $864 million Sunshine Coast Council Budget
The Sunshine Coast Council budget helps to build a Healthy, Smart, Creative region, economically and environmentally.
Mayor Mark Jamieson said this year’s budget built on council’s plan for the region and demonstrated a continuing commitment to protecting and enhancing our environment, building a strong community and growing the economy.
“Each year for the past six years, we have delivered a budget surplus and this year will be no different,” Mayor Jamieson said.
“A clear plan for the future, maintaining a strong financial position and investing in services and infrastructure are the hallmarks of our council.”
The 2018/19 budget highlights:
• Roads: $123 million to maintain, renew and replace roads, pathways and storm water assets
Environment: $33 million for our environment, including beaches, foreshores, bushland conservation and clean energy
• Reaction: $77 million on recreation, including maintaining and upgrading council's parks and gardens, sporting facilities and lifeguard services
• Community: $44 million for our libraries, galleries and community facilities and services
• Events and grants: $7 million for community events and grants (which is one of the largest community funding commitments of any council in Queensland)
• Economic Initiatives: $32 million for economic initiatives, including local business support, major events and holiday parks
The Capital Works Program Budget is the largest in the history of this council, and “will deliver better local roads, parks, gardens, community and sporting facilities right across the region” Mayor Jamieson said.
“Our capital works program goes to the very heart of the livability and connectivity of our community. It also helps instill a sense of pride and is an investment in both the well-being of our residents and the vibrancy of their locality.”
• $73 million on transportation and storm water projects
• $23 million on waste management
• $19 million on community and sporting facilities
• $10 million on parks and gardens and public amenities
• General rates will increase by $41 to $1207
• Waste management charges for a standard wheelie bin will increased by $10 to $290
• The Environment, Heritage and Transport levies will rise by a combined total of $4.50 (compared to $20 in 2017/18)
The Environment Levy will raise $10.3 million this year alone and will help to fund a new project to define the total economic value of the Sunshine Coast’s natural assets and the contributions they make to our economy and community.
The Heritage Levy funding will be used to put a stronger focus on supporting indigenous cultural heritage projects developed in collaboration with Kabi Kabi, Jinibara and DASSI peoples.
Transport Levy funds will be directed towards the continued planning for a better and integrated public transport solution for the region, with a strong focus on the Sunshine Coast Light Rail and the delivery of important council-run services such as Council Link and the Flexilink trials. The funds will also allow for continued bus stop upgrades to comply with Disability Discrimination Act requirements.
“This budget will continue to provide confidence to ratepayers that we are in great shape – better in fact, then most other councils in the state,” Mayor Jamieson said.
“Council has achieved an operating surplus ratio of 5.4%, ahead of benchmark, allowing us to invest in growth capital projects and to pay back our loans.
“And our asset sustainability ratio of 75.6% illustrates that we are investing in renewing our existing assets.”